We are a safe community space for exploration in creating with clay that focuses on the student’s learning experience. We hope to create an environment for students to be expressive, creative, and passionate, led by a community-driven mindset, knowledgeable, empathetic, diverse, and accepting instructors.

Adam Addley Adam is a maker who uses many different mediums, but has a particular draw to clay. He lives, works and creates in Salt Lake City, Utah. Creating clean simple pieces where function and form are equally attended to is the aim of his craft. Adam studied ceramics and art history at Utah State University where he graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts. His work is informed by his experience in nature, traveling abroad, and the simple things in day to day life.


Shasta Krueger Shasta is a clay artist and educator that currently lives, works and teaches in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She received her MFA in Ceramics from Utah State University in 2015 and has been teaching across the country in community centers and colleges since.  She maintains an active studio practice including firing atmospheric kilns. She currently teaches art and design at the University of Utah, Westminster College, Weber State University and works out of her home studio.

You can find more information about Shasta and her work here.


Aimee Odum Aimee is a visual artist, educator, and curator. Her journey with clay began 15 years ago with wheel-thrown pottery, incorporating mixed media and textural surfaces, later transitioning into hand-built forms and focusing on glaze chemistry. Odum received her MFA in Ceramics from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. She has been invited to speak about her work at institutions like Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and Virginia Commonwealth University. While living in NYC, she held multiple academic and community teaching positions at places such as Greenwich House Pottery, BKLYN Clay, and Sculpture Space NYC. She moved her studio practice to Salt Lake City in 2019, where she also enjoys mountain running and adventuring with her two dogs.

You can find more information about Aimee and her work here.


Rachel Van Wagoner Rachel was born and raised in Las Vegas, NV. She started taking ceramics classes sophomore year of college, and subsequently changed majors from math to art. She graduated with a BFA in 2006 and then an MFA in April 2011. Past work experiences include:

  • Resident artist at Worcester Center for Crafts in 2012.

  • Studio technician at Guldagergaard in Denmark 2012-2105.

  • Studio Manager at Lawrence Arts Center from 2015-2107

Rachel is currently a full-time ceramic artist (and mom) based in Salt Lake City, Utah. 


Kyle Bates Kyle is a clay artist currently based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Kyle studied ceramics and art history at the University of Norther Iowa, obtaining his Bachelor of Arts degree in 2016. Creating mainly sculptural pieces, Kyle combines flora and fauna as content while trying to push questions of identity, love, loss, and other human emotions. Currently working for a local climbing hold company, Kyle enjoys having the ability to create on and off the clock.


Nya ReNae Peterson Nya is a Salt Lake City-based artist and brand consultant.

Nya believes that functional art can enhance the way you experience your home, from drinking coffee out of a handmade mug to displaying your favorite flowers in a custom ceramic vase. She is passionate about elevating daily routines by creating unique tableware.


Carlos Miranda is a Salt Lake City based artist and art educator. His journey as an artist began in 2017 with a class in high school, which has since grown into a deep and lasting interest in ceramic art. Carlos will be receiving a BFA in Art Education from the University of Utah with an Emphasis in Ceramics. A big body of his work is done on the potter’s wheel with occasional hand built forms. Carlos is especially interested in the process and varied results of atmospheric firings such as soda, wood and urban pit-fires.

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